
Eid al-Adha Celebration in Morocco

Eid al-Adha Celebration in Morocco

Morocco, a beautiful getaway with its long and rich history, gorgeous landscapes, and its kind people. Morocco is an Islamic country and Muslims worldwide celebrate 2 big occasions. One is Eid al Fitr, where the end of Ramadan is celebrated, and the other one is Eid al-Adha Celebration in Morocco, commemorating the devotion of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) sacrificing the thing he loved most, his son Ismail. Additionally, the survival of his son Ismail is also celebrated during this feast, known as Eid al-Kebir.

During both feasts, many people are gathered and delicious Moroccan food and delightful treats are being served. Food brings people together on these occasions that are filled with joy, laughter and happiness. When it comes to Eid al-Adha the sacrifice of an animal is included, which often is shared with loved ones and people who cannot afford buying meat.

This feast is all about being happy and generous and to put your focus on faith and devotion. Eid Al Adha starts on the 17th of June 2024 in Morocco and lasts 4 days.

The First Day of Eid

All Moroccans are excited for this big day and are eagerly waiting for Eid al-Adha. So what does this day look like? Moroccan households wake up very early in the morning to prepare themselves for this day and start by taking a shower and wearing their best clothes. After these families enjoy breakfast together, some may decide to leave out breakfast and only eat dates, the same way as Prophet Mohammed PBUH used to do.

On this day there is a special prayer called Eid prayer, which is performed in the morning (after breakfast). Men head to the mosques for prayers, it is also highly recommended for Muslim women to attend this prayer. Once the Eid prayer is completed the Qurbani ritual (sacrifice of an animal) can start and the meat will be distributed in three equal shares, one share for themselves, one share for their neighbors and one share for the poor and less fortunate. The animal should be in good condition and treated well. During the process of the slaughter great care must be taken to ensure it is done precisely and painless.

 Moroccan Types of Food At Eid Al Adha

Every year great preparation is done when it comes to the sweets and cookies as Eid is no Eid without these delightful mouth watering pastries. But when it comes to food the main focus is meat and its traditional process of preparing it. You will have several guests coming over or you will go to others but you can never go empty handed. Each edible part of the animal will be used and will be prepared with the utmost love and care.

Despite the significant increase in price of meat, this is something Muslims wait for all year long and is the center of attention of this feast. The dishes are presented in a very appealing way and are highly pleasant to the taste. This culinary celebration adds joy to Morocco ambiance, as food has the magic ability to gather people together.

 Eid Al Adha Social Relations Importance

All Moroccans cherish the upcoming of Eid and are excited to prepare themselves by buying the nicest clothes and dress up for this celebration. People exchange happy, kind words and wish each other the best. Eid al Adha is celebrated together by visiting relatives, neighbors and friends. Most common is that the younger people travel to visit the elderly and the sick.

Moroccans are very warm and friendly people and the celebration of Eid Al Adha only emphasizes this. Social connections are very important, especially during this celebration it is a No-Go not to visit e.g. your neighbors or not to exchange friendly words to everyone whom you encounter. All guests are treated with the food that has been well-prepared. Preserving this ancestral tradition, Moroccan families have upheld the spirit of Eid, fostering a sense of joy, togetherness, and cultural heritage.

Markets Before Eid Al Adha

Eid is approaching and this means lively streets especially in the souks. As sellers and buyers are preparing for this huge day. A day where you should wear your best attire, when you should eat the most delicious food and decorate your house with welcoming and cozy decoration. It is also a day to gift others,  in particular the children who are getting spoiled on this lovely day. Across cities and towns, the markets become lively hubs, drawing crowds seeking to fulfill their needs for the upcoming festivities. After knowing this you could imagen how busy the streets are, it is just like Christmas shopping for western countries in comparison to regular days.

The significance of these days to Muslims in Morocco is profound. A day that each Muslim is looking forward to, it has a deep spiritual meaning. It is a period of reflecting and being grateful. In addition this time of the year it is all about other people and the communal bonding.

Overall Moroccans will make you feel at home and they are known for their generosity. However, During Eid al-Adha, their culture and their gracious hospitality stands out even more. Although Eid al-Adha is primarily a Muslim celebration, its significance transcends religious boundaries. Therefore, an abundance of visitors and people who live in Morocco engage in celebrating this feast.

Why is Eid Al-Adha Important?

Eid al-Adha, is a very important feast in Islam and thus in Morocco. By remembering Abrahams devotion to religion and God and willingness to sacrifice his most beloved possession his son Ismail. Both this and the survival of his son Ismail is celebrated. When it comes to the Old Testament it is Ishaq (Isaac) that is associated with this event. Nonetheless, the meaning is the same. Muslims come together to express gratitude and enjoy delightful dishes, cherishing the blessings bestowed upon them. During this time people also go to Hajj, which is the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is one of the 5 pillars of the Islam, and if you have the money and opportunity to go to Hajj then you must go once in your lifetime.

Can I travel to Morocco during Eid Al-Adha?

As more and more travelers choose Morocco as their travel destination it is very important for us at Best Morocco Travel to highlight tips when traveling to Morocco during Eid al-Adha. Traveling to Morocco during Eid al-Adha has both pros and cons. You will be able to taste delicious traditional food that is being served during this feast. Some foods you probably will not try such as liver, roasted sheep’s head and stomach. It may not sound that tasty, but believe us it is! Moreover, you will notice an increase in hospitality, even though Moroccans are known for their kindness. Celebrating this feast with the locals will give you a more authentic feeling and create lasting memories.

Nevertheless, there are some things you should take into consideration, when planning your trip to Morocco. As most overseas Moroccans travel during this period to celebrate this beautiful occasion with beloved ones, prices of flight tickets may increase. In addition, a lot of locals travel within Morocco, so a lot of traffic cannot be avoided. This may impact your journey, so bear in mind that you might have some delay when it comes to moving around in Morocco.

Despite these challenges, there more brighter sides of experiencing this unique opportunity, you will have the feeling that you are part of Moroccan culture and you will not be left out. A visit to Morocco during Eid is an experience that will leave a lasting impression, creating cherished memories of a vibrant and welcoming culture.

Are You Planning a Trip to Morocco?

If you are planning to travel to Morocco during Eid Al-Adha, feel free to contact us. We at Best Morocco Travel will make sure we will plan an unforgettable trip for you, experiencing this celebration with a Moroccan family the authentic way.  Be prepared for your next trip with the Best Morocco Travel agency.

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