
Is it Safe to Travel to Morocco?

Is it Safe to Travel to Morocco?

Is it safe to travel to Morocco? Yes, Morocco remains a safe and popular destination for various types of travelers, including culture explorers, budget travelers, adventurers, couples, families, and food enthusiasts. However, being aware of safety considerations is crucial, as certain aspects may differ from what you’re accustomed to in your home country.

For all travelers, use caution in public places, as petty thefts and pickpocketing can occur. Solo female travelers should be especially vigilant, choosing well lit areas and observing local customs in dress. LGBTQ travelers should be careful, as homosexuality is technically illegal in Morocco. For families, Morocco is generally family friendly, but it is advisable to keep a close eye on children.

Is Morocco Safe?

Morocco is generally a safe country to travel to and enjoy your trip to Morocco without any fear, but like any destination, it is essential to be aware of the laws and cultural customs to ensure a smooth and safe trip. Crime rates in the country are very low, which makes it a favorable destination for travelers. However, it is essential to remain cautious and vigilant, especially in tourist areas, where scam artists and pickpockets can be found.

By learning about the local customs and respecting the culture, you can have a wonderful and enriching experience on your Morocco trip. Staying informed and using common sense will help you avoid potential dangers and fully enjoy the beauty and charm of this captivating country.

Is Morocco Safety for LGBTQ Travelers

For LGBTQ visitors to Morocco, it’s essential to approach the trip with caution due to the country’s laws and societal attitudes. Officially, homosexuality is prohibited in Morocco, but the enforcement can vary by region. While gay tourists are generally not in significant danger, understanding the cultural context is crucial to avoid any potential issues.

To ensure a safe and respectful visit, here are some recommendations:

  • Be aware of LGBTQ rights in Morocco and the level of acceptance in various fields.
  • Exercise discretion when showing affection in public, as local customs may view such displays differently.
  • Respect the social norms and cultural practices of Morocco throughout your journey.

By being considerate and aware of local sensitivities, LGBT travelers can have a more positive and safe experience while exploring the country’s diverse beauty and heritage.

Safety in Public Places

Travelers to Morocco should beware of common tourist scams and traps that can be encountered in popular tourist areas. Petty crime and pickpocketing are common, especially in crowded places like markets and cities. To protect valuables, carry small amounts of cash, avoid wearing expensive jewelry, and keep money in safe, discreet pockets. Aggressive selling and begging tactics can occur in markets, especially if sellers think you have a lot of money.

Be wary of unlicensed tour guides, especially in cities like Fes and Marrakech, who may offer expensive tours to establishments where they receive commissions on purchases. Do your research on city tours and be firm in refusing unsolicited offers on the streets. Some unauthorized guides may follow you and demand payment even if you do not agree to their services.

Taxis can also be potential tourist traps, as drivers sometimes inflate prices. Always negotiate the fare in advance when using a taxi in Morocco to avoid unexpected charges upon arrival.

By staying informed and informed, travelers can overcome these potential challenges and enjoy a safer and more enjoyable experience while exploring the beauty and culture of Morocco.

Safety for Solo Female Travelers

Traveling as a woman in Morocco can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to unwanted attention from local men. Verbal harassment in the streets, especially when walking alone, can be common, especially at night. To enhance safety, consider traveling in groups of three or more and sticking to well-lit areas while on the go.

Respect for local customs is essential, and women should dress more conservatively, especially near religious sites such as mosques. It is recommended to wear clothing that covers the knees and shoulders and to use a scarf to cover the hair when visiting mosques.

Even in private spaces, such as accommodations, it’s important to be careful. Keep your room locked, avoid being alone with hotel staff, and keep valuables in a safe or with your person. Always carry a hotel card with you, so that you have your address and contact details at hand.

By being vigilant and respecting cultural norms, women can have a more enjoyable and safer experience while exploring the beauty of Morocco.

It is Morocco Safety for kids

Traveling to Morocco with children can be a safe and enriching experience. The country offers a range of family-friendly holiday destinations that are both beautiful and safe. Moroccan society is family-oriented, and you will find that the locals are friendly and welcoming to children. Children are often given special attention and affection by elderly relatives, which creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere for families.

Locals may approach you and your children with admiration, make gentle gestures such as touching or kissing their cheeks, invite you to their establishment, or even offer free tea. This should not raise any concerns, as it is a common and respected behavior in Moroccan culture. Interacting with the locals can provide a valuable opportunity to learn about the country’s rich traditions and customs firsthand.

Overall, Morocco child-friendly culture and welcoming locals make it an ideal family vacation destination, offering unforgettable experiences and cherished memories for all.

Is it Safe for Jewish Travelers in Morocco?

Morocco has a long history of cultural diversity, with Jewish and Berber populations contributing significantly to its heritage. In the past, Morocco was home to a large Jewish community, and while their numbers have declined, their legacy is still celebrated.

Across the country, remnants of the Jewish presence can be found, including the Mellahs (Jewish Quarters) in Medina and the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Casablanca. Moroccans are proud of their Jewish heritage and value its role in the nation’s history.

Today, Morocco remains a place of acceptance and welcomes travelers from all backgrounds. Jewish travelers can feel safe exploring the country’s fascinating history and experiencing its diverse culture.

Food and Water Safety

When trying local food in Morocco, be careful about where you eat the street food. Popular and safe places to sample local flavors include Jemaa el-Fnaa in Marrakech, Essaouira Port, the port district in Agadir, and Fes in old Madena.

In terms of water, tap water is generally safe to drink in Morocco due to its well-maintained tanker systems. While it’s fine to drink bottled water, you can also bring along a small filtering mechanism or Steri Pen to treat the water as you consume it. Additionally, avoid eating uncooked vegetables or fruits that have not been washed or peeled yourself to prevent any stomach issues while you are traveling.

Useful Information

  • Visas: Most countries do not require a visa to enter Morocco; only a valid passport for at least 90 days from the departure date is necessary. Check your visa status on visa requirements to visit Morocco: based on your nationality and destination.
  • Currency: The official currency is the Moroccan dirham. ATMs are widely available, and credit cards are accepted in restaurants and main tourist areas. Morocco offers a budget-friendly experience compared to Europe or the United States. And if you want to know more about the exchange, check out xe.com
  • Weather: Morocco climate varies by region, making it a year round destination. The northern and central regions have hot and dry summers, while the winters are mild and somewhat humid. Southern parts experience more severe winter conditions. Check out the best time to visit Morocco.
  • Airports: Located southeast of Casablanca, Mohammed V International Airport is the busiest airport in Morocco. Rabat-Sale International Airport, north of Rabat, and Marrakech-Menara Airport are also important airports in the country.
  • Travel Insurance: When traveling to Morocco, it is essential to have travel insurance, as it covers medical emergencies, theft, and loss of valuables. Just like anywhere else, travel insurance provides you with peace of mind and ensures that you are prepared for any unforeseen circumstances during your trip to Morocco.

Drugs in Morocco


It’s important to be aware that hashish, locally known as kif, has been traditionally enjoyed in Morocco, especially in the Rif Mountains where most of the cannabis is grown. However, despite its somewhat common use, it is illegal in the country, and breaking the law can lead to severe penalties, including up to ten years of imprisonment.

Cannabis remains a significant industry in Morocco, even though it is illegal. The government hasn’t taken significant measures to dismantle the drug business, and the ones most often penalized are foreign travelers caught smoking or purchasing from undercover police officers.

If you find yourself in such a situation, try to pay a fine on the spot if possible. If you must go to a police station, avoid signing documents you don’t understand, ensure you have a competent translator and lawyer, and contact your embassy immediately. If given a court date and released, consider leaving the country to avoid further complications.

Contact in an Emergency

Should any mishap occur during your stay in Morocco, seeking assistance from the Tourism Police is the recommended course of action. They can be easily found in popular urban centers, and your hotel can also provide information about the nearest police office. In an emergency, call 19 for the urban police, 177 for the Royal Gendarmerie (rural police), and 15 for the ambulance or fire services.

In addition, it is wise to keep the address and contact number of your national embassy or consulate in Morocco handy, allowing for quick communication if needed. Being prepared and informed will help ensure your safety and peace of mind while you travel.

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