
What is Morocco Famous for?

What is Morocco Famous for?

What is Morocco famous for? What’s the first thing that pops into your mind? Is it the famous Moroccan tea, their couscous, the busy souks or the beautiful landscapes?

Known for its rich culture, hospitality and mysterious allure, Morocco will offer you an unforgettable getaway and guarantee a captivating trip. Morocco is located in the eastern part of North-Africa, with its spatial variety, a deep rooted culture steeped in tradition and beautiful cities, Morocco leaves visitors with a feeling of longing back.

This country has a long history and rich heritage, which its cities and citizens reflect, some more than other .Moroccos fame extends to its abundance of fascinating features, such as its architecture, traditional music in each region, mouthwatering food with unique tastes, beaches with no ending and its busy souks and medinas. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what makes Morocco a loving travel destination for visitors.


As mentioned before, Morocco is known for its hospitality. The genuine kindness and warmth of its people are an extra bonus during your stay. Whenever you get the chance to visit Morocco, you will meet people who will welcome you into their homes.

For some this may come across as weird, but it means a lot for the Moroccans and this is their way of welcoming you in their country. They will invite you and prepare food for you or even help you. They do not expect anything in return which most probably restores your trust in humanity and kindness. This will make your stay extra special.

When it comes to the hospitality sector, the staff of riads, hotels, restaurants etc. will go out of their way to treat and serve you well. Upon arrival they will go above and beyond to make your stay pleasant and make you feel welcomed by offering you a mint tea that often is accompanied with delicious pastry.

This thoughtful gesture reflects the commitment of Moroccans to make your stay as pleasant and memorable as possible as they would do the same when a guest comes to their homes whether it is a known or an unknown guest. This truly resembles their kindness and hospitality.

Moroccan Djellabas

More and more people recognize a djellaba, a famous traditional Moroccan attire, worn by men and women. This garment is known for its comfort due to its loose fit. The fabric is often made from cotton or wool and is available in a variety of colors.

The bottom of the Djellaba reaches the ground and always has pockets; some have a large hood, comparable with the Jedi attire. The djellaba serves as a simple yet distinct symbol of Moroccan culture and can be observed in every part of the country.

A djellaba is part of their everyday life, customs and traditions. If you desire to have your own unique djellaba you can custom make your djellaba at a tailor.

Festivals and Celebrations

There are different celebrations in Morocco. The two religious celebrations known by every single Moroccan are Eid Al Fitr and Eid al Adha. These are particularly significant as Morocco is a Muslim country. Eid Al Fitr follows the sacred month of Ramadan, a time that fosters self-improvement and yearning among Moroccans annually. The subsequent celebration, Eid al Adha, is commonly referred to as Eid al Kbir in Morocco.

Religious Celebrations in Morocco

The celebration of Eid al-Adha traditionally signifies the conclusion of the hajj pilgrimage and the honoring of the prophet Abraham. In accordance with Islamic teachings, Abraham received instructions to sacrifice his son Ismael to Allah, as a test of faith. Prior to the execution of the sacrifice, divine intervention occurred, with God providing a lamb as a substitute for Ismael.

Both these religious celebrations are huge for the citizens of Morocco and therefore it could affect opening and closing time of shops, some places could be busier than usual as locals go on holidays in their own country. When planning your trip, consideration of this recommendation is advised.

Impact on Daily Life

Besides these religious celebrations, Morocco emphasizes the importance of art and music, leading to the organization of annual festivals dedicated to these forms of expression. An example is the Marrakech Folklore Festival, where every year this festival turns into a platform for showcasing the art of diverse artists such as musicals, dancing performances, painting, singing and much more.

Art and Music Festivals

By doing this, people can showcase their talents and celebrate the rich diversity of global cultures. The Marrakech Folklore Festival brings together many people and spreads joy, uniting various groups. Held in the charming city of Marrakech, the Marrakech Folklore Festival serves as a platform for showcasing various visual arts such as painting, dance, theater, and more.

Another well-known festival is the World Sacred Music Festival, held in the imperial city of Fes. This festival features grand concerts held in public gardens and parade grounds, captivating audiences with diverse and fascinating performances. The duration of this festival is 10 days, A celebration of spirituality and unifying people through music. With Best Morocco Travel as your guide this transformative experience will become a cherished memory.

Cultural Enrichment

These festivals, whether rooted in religious traditions or celebrating artistic expression, add an extra layer of richness to Morocco cultural tapestry. They are a vibrant celebration of creativity and cultural heritage and provide visitors with unique opportunities to immerse themselves in the country’s vibrant traditions, captivating arts, and enchanting musical heritage. It represents an opportunity for artists to unleash their creativity and express their unique perspectives.

Home World’s Oldest University

The oldest and the first University in the world is in Morocco University of Al-Qarawiyin (Al-Karaouine). It was also the first university to offer degrees. The University of Al-Qarawiyin, established in Fes in 859, was founded by a woman named Fatima Al Fihria. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Al-Qarawiyyin underscores its historical significance.

In the contemporary era, the educational focus at the University of al-Qarawiyyin centers on Islamic religious and legal sciences, supplemented by a range of non-Islamic subjects offered to students.

The Arab West

The official name of Morocco is Maghreb, which means the west. Morocco, often termed “The Arab West,” is renowned for its vibrant culture and active lifestyle, characterized by a strong emphasis on Islam and traditions. The country’s abundant and diverse natural landscapes, including picturesque beaches, majestic mountains, expansive ranges, and captivating deserts, have earned it the moniker “The Arab West.”

Although Morocco is the furthest Arab country on the left of North-Africa. The religious impact on daily life is still strongly remarkable. This is evident in all places where you go to in Morocco, whether seeing Arabic calligraphy, hearing the Adhan (call to prayer), seeing the mosques and the religious practices. These are examples that are similar to other Arab countries.

Morocco captivating fusion of rich culture, Islamic traditions, and diverse geography creates a distinctive and alluring destination that offers a multifaceted experience to visitors from around the world. This is also evident in Moroccans that do not live in Morocco, they will bring their culture, traditions and hospitality along with them.

Marrakech The Red City

Marrakech earns its moniker as “The Red City” due to the prevalent use of clay in its buildings, resulting in a reddish hue. Renowned for its majestic palaces, riads, gardens, and allure, Marrakech exudes luxury and charm. This city attracts millions of visitors and is becoming more and more popular among travelers both local and foreign. Thanks to its vibrant environment, rich culture and historical significance as the first imperial city of Morocco.

There are so many things that you can do while being in Marrakech that will enhance your journey. Exploring Marrakech’s iconic attractions and diving into its long and rich history will give you a better understanding of this magical place.

Some examples are: Dar el-Beїda Palace, which is now a hospital, the Bahia Palaces, the famous Djemaa el-Fnaa Square, the impressive Koutoubia Mosque, the serene Majorelle Gardens, and the historic Saadian Tombs are all things you should add on things-to-visit in Marrakech.

Experiencing Marrakech will leave you with a magical impression, by booking your tour with Best Morocco travel you have a prodigious stay.

Rabat The Capital of Morocco

Rabat is not only the capital city of Morocco but is home to one of the four royal cities. A big busy city located along the Atlantic coast with many skyscrapers where the old monuments are mixt with new buildings. Rabat holds historical significance and it serves as a vital cultural center, housing for foreign embassies and several international organizations. The parliament of Morocco is located in Rabat.

When visiting Morocco you should include a visit to Rabat, where you can find the best of both worlds, modern places and real authentic vibes. You should visit the following places to make your journey in Rabat complete; the Oudaias Kasbah, a charming historic neighborhood, along with iconic landmarks such as the Hassan Tower and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V.

Another top spot is the Royal palace, even though it is forbidden to enter the palace you can admire this beauty from afar. Make sure you also add Oudaias Kasbah on your list, wandering around the narrow alleys will make you feel like you have entered a completely new reality.

Rabat is also a modern eco-responsible capital with its green spaces. Jardins Exotiques, an exotic garden with botanical beauty, is a haven for nature fanatics. Rabat rich history, culture, and modernity create a captivating atmosphere that leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

It stands as a testament to Morocco diverse heritage and serves as a gateway to exploring the country’s vibrant past and present. With its modern infrastructures and various festivals, Rabat is a living city. Airport, tram, shopping malls, cafes, restaurants, and all amenities at your fingertips.

Fes Scientific Capital

Fes also known as the Mecca of the West and the Athens of Africa is famous for its bustling Medinas and souks. The Medina of Fes stands as a pinnacle of historical preservation, renowned as one of the most comprehensive and impeccably maintained cities in the Arab-Islamic world.

Furthermore, it is the second largest city of Morocco and the oldest city of Morocco. Fes is highly favored by visitors who are looking for an astonishing experience of deep-rooted culture and art. There are loads of things that Fes is known for, such as the tanneries, historical museums, and exquisite garden.

As one of Morocco four imperial cities (and the oldest), Fes offers a variety of experiences. Navigating through the bustling medinas of Fes is a must, exploring the lively yet narrow streets can be a bit overwhelming but it is all worth experiencing Fes the authentic way. The Fes leather tanneries showcase the age-old craft of leather production, while the blue gate stands as an iconic entrance to the city.

Bou Inania Madrasa is a stunning example of Islamic architecture, and the Bab Al Amer Gate adds to the historical charm. Jnan Sbil Gardens provides a serene oasis while indulging in a traditional Hammam Spa offers a rejuvenating experience.

Fes is the perfect example of the rich heritage and cultural essence of Morocco. Fes will make you feel special as you will notice your heart skipping a beat by experiencing Fes’s beauty and authenticity.

Chefchaouen The Blue Town

Chefchaouen, known for its beautiful shades of blue, isn’t a hidden gem. Receiving many tourists from all over the world just to stroll around the narrow alleys of this iconic village. Chefchaouen is a photogenic marvel, widely acclaimed as the most Instagrammable city in Morocco.. This charming town has gained international recognition for its unique and photogenic appeal.

Known as the Blue Pearl of Morocco, because every alley, shops, walls and doors are covered in different shades of blue. If you want to escape the big cities and crowdedness then Chafchaouen is a perfect place to sit back and relax a bit. You may have seen stunning pictures of Chefchaouen on Instagram, these pictures alone assure you that Chefchaouen is not a place you should skip on.

This small mountain town offers a truly unique experience. Try not to rush and spend at least a few days to enjoy this beautiful gem. One thing you don’t want to miss out on are the sunrises and sunsets. Enjoy these magical moments from higher up, get to the rooftop of your stay or go on a hike into the Rif mountains. Chafchaouen is perfect to combine with other cities such as Tangier and Fes.

The Sahara Desert of Morocco

The Sahara desert is another magical place known for in Morocco. Merzouga stands out as the number one visited desert in the country. Situated in the southeast, it holds the title of Morocco largest desert, its vast expanse resembling a golden patchwork. As the sun sets, the towering dunes transform into a fiery painting of warm shades, a mesmerizing sight that will eternally linger in your memory.

Morocco attracts tourists from all over the world as it is widely regarded as the ideal destination to experience the allure of an enchanting desert. During your visit you will have loads of activities to choose from such as: camel rides, quad rides and sandboarding.

We Best Morocco Travel recommend to stay for 2 nights in Merzouga and experience the camp site. This way you will enhance your experience and make sure you enjoy this natural beauty to the fullest. You will be able to see the sunrise and sunset, get to know the locals which will enrich your experience and taste the local food.

More and more people get to notice the charming and romantic getaway of the Merzouga desert. Many proposals, romantic dinners, anniversaries and honeymoons have been arranged by us. In case you want to plan a fully customized trip and enjoy a world of wonder and creating magical memories make sure to contact us.

The Atlas Mountains

Although Morocco is often associated with deserts, it is also renowned for its stunning mountain landscapes. The Atlas Mountains, the country’s prominent range, boast the highest peak in North Africa. Exploring the Atlas Mountains is a delight for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike, characterized by rugged peaks and deep valleys.

This destination is highly favored by hikers and trekkers. In addition to the Atlas Mountains’ stark, breathtaking landscapes and picturesque oases, visitors should explore the Amazigh villages, where indigenous people live and maintain their traditions and way of life. This enriches your journey by offering a glimpse into the simple yet fascinating daily lifestyles of the inhabitants.

Medinas of Morocco

Morocco is renowned for its Medinas. What is a Medina, simply saying it is the old part of a town or city, found in many countries of North-Africa. Typically walled, and has narrow streets, fountains, palaces and mosques. It resembles the heart and old core of the city.

The meaning of Medina is city or town. There are many Medinas in popular destinations that you don’t want to miss out on. Examples of these Medinas you will find in cities such as Tangiers, Chefchaouen, Fes and Marrakech.

Although it can be overwhelming and busy in the Medinas, by wandering around and experiencing the charm of it, you will find numerous locals selling traditional handcrafts, rugs, souvenirs, leather goods and many more.

You can find some similar goods also in malls, however you will pay much more! Make sure you are familiar with the alleys and places or book your guide with us.

Souks / Markets

The souks, or markets, constitute an integral aspect of Moroccan medinas and represent a significant draw in the country. These bustling markets are celebrated for their lively ambiance and extensive range of offerings. Traditionally, they serve as open-air venues relied upon by locals for their daily necessities.

While the souks may initially seem chaotic, they are remarkably well-organized, featuring distinct sections and alleys showcasing an array of Moroccan wares and treasures. Whether in search of fresh produce, carpets, or artisanal crafts, the souks offer a wealth of options. However, navigating them can be overwhelming for the uninitiated.

Similar to locals, visitors must patiently await their turn, engage in bargaining for goods, and conclude their purchases. For those unfamiliar or uncomfortable with bargaining, we recommend securing the services of a local guide through Best Morocco Travel. This ensures access to optimal prices while mitigating the risk of scams, given that bargaining constitutes an inherent facet of Moroccan culture.

Riads Home Style

A Riad is one of the two main types of traditional Moroccan houses often with two or more stories with a centered part with a fountain that serves as the garden. The decor and architecture of a Riad is a mesmerizing tapestry of cultural influences that transforms these traditional Moroccan homes into enchanting havens of beauty and tranquility and offer a unique living experience. A Riad is a perfect example of that you should never judge a book by its cover.

The high alcove that surrounds the central courtyard, often with fountains and or pools, provide cool air and shade when the sun and heat are present. The Riads have been designed to create a refreshing atmosphere suited to Morocco warm climate. Besides that it allows you to have your own private space.

By staying in a Riad you will give yourself the opportunity to experience the Moroccan way of living. It may come across as a movie scenery where you will notice the charm of its design and architecture. Where artisans would spend hours handcrafting the perfect pieces together. Staying in a Riad will give you the tranquility you deserve on your stay. If you are not sure where to start or where to book your Riad, feel free to contact Best Morocco Travel and we will arrange it all for you.

Argan Oil

You must have heard of the famous Moroccan argan oil, frequently cited as “liquid oil”. For centuries, Morocco has utilized its many virtues.. Nowadays argan oil has exceeded the borders of Morocco.

Many people, especially women have added this product to their beauty routines, for their hair and skin. The nourishing and hydrating properties of argan oil are well-known. Making your hair strong and shiny with less frizz and your skin super soft. It also has other purposes than cosmetic purposes. In Moroccan cuisine and traditional medicine, it finds utilization.

Argan oil is obtained from the argan trees, which have survived and adapted to the climate of Morocco over thousands of years. Morocco is the place to buy high-quality argan oil produced by using traditional Berber methods. By buying directly from the local markets, you will know for sure you have purchased pure argan oil and you will support the local producers. You will see with your own eyes The process of making argan oil, which is a wonderful experience, involves several steps.

Moroccan Couscous

Although its exact origins are debated, the prevailing belief is that couscous originated in North Africa, particularly in Morocco. Traditionally, Berber women rolled couscous by hand, a labor-intensive method that involves shaping wheat semolina into fine grains. In case you have never heard or tried this dish you will have abundant opportunities to enjoy this meal in Morocco.

You have the option between vegetarian, chicken or meat. Couscous on the holy Friday is a tradition for Moroccan families. The effort put into making couscous on Fridays, an important day for Muslims, highlights its significance in Moroccan culture

Moroccan Harira

You might have seen a picture of harira from a friend, family members or influencer during the holy month of Ramadan. Harira soup offers a rich nutritional profile. consumed by every Moroccan household during Ramadan to ensure proper nutrition after a day of fasting. This classic soup features a tomato base, along with chickpeas and a small amount of meat.

Enriched with fresh herbs and an abundance of warm spices, this soup is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Harira can also be prepared without meat, and in cities like Tangiers and Casablanca, eggs are sometimes included in the recipe. Perfect for winter days, this soup holds cultural and religious significance as a symbol of unity.

Moroccan Tagine

Tagine, also known as Tajine, is another well-known aromatic Moroccan dish. Moroccan tagines often feature lamb or chicken combined with a variety of ingredients such as:

olives, quinces, apples, pears, apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, nuts, with fresh or preserved lemons, with or without honey, with or without a complexity of spices such as cumin, paprika powder, ginger, saffron, turmeric and cinnamon.

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Marqa, lham bel barkok (lambs meat with prunes), and chicken tagine are among some popular options. However, fish tajines also come highly recommended, offering a delightful variation on this traditional dish.

The unique two-piece cooking vessel made from red clay called tajine originates from Morocco, Algeria and Tunesia. The term “tagine” not only refers to the iconic cooking pot but also to the delectable, slow cooked stew prepared within it. Its distinctive design, featuring a cone-shaped top, ensures that the food cooks tenderly, allowing condensation to drip back into the dish.

There are various tagine dishes as each region adds their own twist to their dishes. Tajines are typically served with bread. You will grab a piece of bread, dip it in the tajine and grab the delicious food. It is very common for Moroccans to eat with their hands.

Do you know that eating with hands is way more healthier and beneficial for the gut and body, as compared to eating with cutlery.Eating with the hands stimulates the five senses, and the nerve endings in the fingers activate the digestive process

Moroccan Mint Tea

Traditional tea blend., also referred to as “Moroccan whiskey,” is a known beverage that is very important in Moroccan culture. Moroccan tea is They serve it all the time, making it a standard routine in typical everyday life in Morocco. Moroccans make their tea with Chinese tea, mint, and loads of sugar.

They often serve it with cookies on the side. Wherever you will go Moroccan tea symbolizes the hospitality and the tradition of this country. Enjoy the richness of this aromatic tea.

Moroccan Spices

If you want to add a taste sensation to your own food make sure you visit Morocco spice markets and buy your spices there. These spice markets display their goods beautifully. When you pass by you will surely enjoy this beautiful scenery with both your eyes and nose.

Analyzing the spice markets is a way to deeply engage in the culinary traditions of this country. There are so many spices and colors you will see some popular spices are paprika, turmeric, saffron, cumin and last but not least Ras el Hanout. Ras el Hanout is a blend of several spices which makes your cooking much easier.

Moroccan Hammam

The origins of the Moroccan hammam trace back to the early 7th century. Visiting Morocco without experiencing the traditional hammam leaves your stay incomplete. A hammam aims to wash you in the best way possible, while also helping you achieve a state of pure relaxation.

The hammam ritual involves several steps, and here’s an overview of what a typical hammam day looks like: Upon arrival, you’ll pay an entrance fee. If you haven’t brought your own shower equipment, you can purchase it at the entrance. To enhance your entire hammam experience, consider buying some traditional products, which you can find either within the hammam or in the bustling souks :

  • Sabon beldi (Moroccan black soap), a kessa (scrub glove) and ghassoul (cleansing clay).
  • Once you enter, you will have a changing area where there are lockers, make sure to bring your shower flip flops.
  • The steam of the hammam will make your dead skin loosen up, which results in seeing a lot of dead skin after scrubbing.
  • You can scrub yourself but most of the time there are workers who will scrub you (of course this is not for free).
  • If the experience is unfamiliar to you, it might be unpleasant.
  • This underscores the importance of providing clear instructions to the person performing the scrub.

What makes Morocco so special?

With an abundance of charm, beauty, color, and warmth, Morocco overflows with beautiful landscapes and rich culture. A very diverse country that offers its visitors so many good opportunities to enhance their journey.

From the magical deserts and the beautiful landscapes to the bustling medinas. and not to mention the taste sensation of their lovely dishes it is a perfect stay for people who are willing to get to know Morocco.

slamic influences predominantly shape Morocco architectural landscape, featuring horseshoe arches, Islamic domes, towering minarets, and intricately complex geometric patterns.

Craftsmanship crafted by humans enhances one’s appreciation for art even more. The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca and the historic medinas of Marrakech and Fes exemplify beautiful architecture

Not to mention the taste sensation of their lovely dishes. enowned for its iconic mint tea, fragrant tagines, and a rich tapestry of spices that ignite the senses, Morocco boasts a culinary scene like no other. From the refreshing mint tea to the aromatic tagines bursting with flavor, Moroccan cuisine is a delight for the taste buds . With its diverse tapestry of experiences,

Morocco invites travelers to immerse themselves in its wonders. From wandering through labyrinthine alleys to trekking the majestic Atlas Mountains, witnessing breathtaking sunsets, immersing in vibrant local traditions, and indulging in mouthwatering dishes, the country offers an eclectic blend of experiences that make it truly special

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